Teachers Professional Development Seminars

(Curriculum Development, Instruction, Measurement And Evaluation İn Prek-12 Education)

15.08.2017 9:30-12:30 -Brain friendly education (PreK-12 education/instructional principles, Multiple intelligence, Five minds for the future, Higher order thinking skills) -Understand the variables affecting PreK-12 students’ development and learning attributes
-Comprehend the principles of creating learner friendly/ brain friendly teaching-learning environment in PreK-12 education
Whole Class Prof. Dr. Nuray Senemoğlu
Prof. Dr. Fatma Bıkmaz
Dr. Suzan Kaptı
13:30-16:30 Practice -Design learner friendly/ brain friendly teaching-learning environment in PreK-12 education Subject Area Groups/Every grade groups in PE
16.08.2017 9:30-12:30 -Components of Curriculum
-Designing Effective Instruction (Specification Table-Academic-year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan)
– Comprehend the components of curriculum
-Comprehend the principles of designing effective instruction
Whole Class Prof. Dr. Fatma Bıkmaz
Prof. Dr. Nuray Senemoğlu
Dr. Suzan Kaptı
13:30-16:30 Practice -Apply the principle of effective instruction in designing academic-year, unit and lesson Plan Subject Area Groups/Every grade groups in PE
17.08.2017 9:30-12:30 Educational Measurement and Evaluation (Diagnostic, Formative, Summative Measurement and Evaluation Techniques) -Comprehend the measurement, assessment and evaluation of learner performance Whole Class Prof. Dr. Nuri Doğan
Prof. Dr. Nuray Senemoğlu
Prof. Dr. Fatma Bıkmaz
Dr. Suzan Kaptı
13:30-16:30 Practice -Plan the learner assessment and evaluation procedures
-Prepare the some of the key assessment tools
Subject Area Groups/Every grade groups in PE
18.08.2017 9:30-12:30 Group Presentations -Collaborate with colleagues
-Share experiences with colleagues
Whole Class All Groups’ Presenters,
Prof. Dr. Nuray Senemoğlu
Prof. Dr. Fatma Bıkmaz Dr. Suzan Kaptı
13:30-16:30 Group Presentations -Collaborate with colleagues
-Share experiences with colleagues
Whole Class